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808 Dust Bunnies Cleaning Service Training For Cleaning Technicians
Welcome to 808 Dust Bunnies Cleaning Service Training
Customer Service Skills
Building Relationships with Clients
Cleaning Service Communication Mastery
Customer Communication and Satisfaction Management
Time Management
Introduction to Time Management
Cleaning Basics
Cleaning Technician Quality Assurance Training
Cleaning Technician Safety and Training Essentials
Dusting & Surface Cleaning
Importance of Dust Removal in Cleaning
Vacuuming and Floor Care
Introduction to Vacuuming & Floor Cleaning
Bathroom Cleaning
Introduction to bathroom cleaning
Kitchen Cleaning
Introduction to kitchen cleaning
Efficient Cleaning Techniques for AirBnB Spaces: A Comprehensive Guide for Cleaners
Understanding The Unique Cleaning Requirements Of Air BNB Spaces
Creating a cleaning checklist tailored to Air BNB spaces
Time-saving strategies for efficient cleaning
Proper handling and organization of cleaning supplies
Effective techniques for cleaning different areas of an Air BNB space (bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, common areas)
How to sanitize and disinfect surfaces
Managing laundry and linens in an Air BNB
Addressing common cleaning challenges and troubleshooting
Introduction to bed making
Efficient Bed Making Techniques for Cleaning Technicians
Toilet Paper & Towels
Different Ways To Fold Toilet Paper
Different Ways To Fold Towels
Introduction to streak-free window cleaning
Streak-Free Window Cleaning Techniques
Introduction To Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Definition and importance of Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Introduction to Aromatherapy
Introduction to Aromatherapy cleaning
Post-Construction Cleaning: Mastering Effective Techniques
Understanding post-construction cleaning
Steps to Deep Cleaning Service for Cleaning Technicians
Understanding the Importance of Deep Cleaning
Pet Hair Removal: Mastering Effective Vacuuming Techniques
Effective Vacuuming Techniques for Pet Hair Removal
Cleaning Techniques Mastery
Overview of different cleaning techniques
Professional Cleaning Sub Contractors
Introduction to the Professional Cleaning Industry
Biohazard Waste Cleanup: Practical Techniques and Step-by-Step Procedures
Introduction to Biohazard Waste Cleanup
Understanding Biohazardous Waste
Risk Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Training
The Chain Of Infection
Biohazard Waste Handling and Transportation
Decontamination Techniques
Disposal of Biohazard Waste
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Practical Hands-on Exercises
Best Practices for Biohazard Waste Cleanup
Different Ways To Fold Towels
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